Monday, July 27, 2009

Who Do I Love?

Because the “heart is deceitful above all things,” (Jeremiah 17:9) it is important to undergo a thorough and frequent heart checkup. But this is hard and often inconvenient, so we often spend valuable time inventing excuses for avoiding what might be unpleasant news.

If we refuse to undergo a daily “heart exam,” we might consider wearing a sign around our neck similar to the one found on the side of cigarette packs: “Caution: This heart may kill you!”

Left untreated by God, the human heart is the center of great turmoil and raging conflict. Our affections shift like an altimeter in a storm; one moment we yearn to follow the right way, then the next we turn our back on the Lord just as Peter did three times immediately after claiming eternal allegiance to him. The battle we face every day is over the hidden constancy of our wavering hearts.

In the end, the question for each of us amounts to one thing: whom do I love with all my heart? We can fool ourselves into believing that we have been exempted from an ultimate pledge of allegiance, but when we fall into this common form of self-deception, we are implicitly admitting that the darker impulses of the heart have already prevailed and that, as a consequence, our troubled lives will continue to be “like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”(James 1:6)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe people would be bored if they didn't have the heart battles... keeps the mundane entertained!
