Monday, April 6, 2009

The Green Eyed Monster

Jealousy is the stepchild of anger. They are related through the passion of hatred, but whereas anger often has a specific object as the focal point, jealousy is built on doubt, suspicion and fear. The fury generated by jealousy is often the product of inference, suggestion or doubt, such as the suspicion of betrayal by a loved one. With jealousy, the hurt often begins not with a specific action but within the mind of a person plagued by an imagined offense.

When the seed of doubt is planted, then it is watered and nurtured by an overheated imagination and soon what was merely the appearance of a wrong becomes a whole cause for war. Many marriages have shattered because of jealousy; much suffering has resulted from imagined slights and betrayals fed not by knowledge, but rather by the mere suspicion of a wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Ah... Very well said about jealousy, it can be brutal and the underbelly of many destructive acts of humans. And, my, my what a photo! Very dramatic!
    How about when jealous suspicions are confirmed and not imagined, then it takes the angelic self to resolve betrayal... what then?
